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SinCityTryst Page 2

  She always managed to find some way to keep him at arm’s length back in the city. His attempts to get her alone on several occasions more often than not ended up being some sort of group outing with Angie and Sean at the helm. Ethan was eager to explore the depths of this instant and, he felt certain, mutual attraction that existed between him and Sara, without the interference of his best friend and his future wife. They all thought he was such a player, but the truth was Ethan had been a goner the minute he’d been introduced to Sara at Angie’s engagement party about a year ago.

  Of course, he was aware that there were some physical hang-ups that they had to work through first. Her everyday clothes hid rather than accentuated her figure, and she was woefully oblivious to male advances. Her everyday body language fairly screamed for guys to keep their distance. Which was damn near impossible, because the body itself…

  Hoo-boy. It was mouthwateringly curvaceous and soft, built big and lush the way Ethan liked. The exaggerated hourglass proportions of her breasts and ass, along with that sassy-sweet mouth and those huge dark eyes, had him down for the count the first time he’d met her. The snug velvet top she was wearing tonight was shredding his self-control by the minute, hugging and molding her sweetly scented opulent curves like a lover’s hands. Like his hands would be by the end of the night.

  Shit. Ethan couldn’t remember the last time he was around Sara and didn’t feel the overpowering need to pin her to the nearest wall, strip her down and suck her off as if she were a ripe mango. But what drew him even more was the way she looked at him when she thought he wasn’t looking. It was full of longing and heat and an unadulterated appreciation that made him feel ten feet tall and downright penitent at the same time.

  She was warm and kind and funny, and one of the most perceptive and empathetic people he knew. Her gift was making people feel good about themselves, which no doubt served her well in her career as an elementary school teacher and was why it was ironic that she deliberately kept herself from seeing what was right in front of her. Ethan had never made his keen interest in her a secret, and yet she still seemed wary of his advances. He knew without conceit that she took pleasure in his touch—her own involuntary responses were enough to assure him of that. But she froze whenever he tried to take it any further.

  Sara might not know it, but she was one mean cock-tease.

  When Ethan had agreed to join Sean on his stag weekend in Vegas, he had no idea that his walking wet dream would be within his scope. Now that he had the sexy yet elusive package in his grasp, he wasn’t about to let go anytime soon.

  He slid both his hands around to Sara’s waist and cradled her closer until he had her temptingly full bottom nestled against his groin, which was heavy and hard with need ever since he saw her sitting at the end of the table back at the café. “So, what else did you ladies have planned this evening?” he said, keeping his tone conversational. He never looked a gift horse in the mouth. She was right where he wanted her, and he was going to do everything he could tonight to break down her emotional barriers, starting with this ridiculous notion of hers that they were nothing more than platonic friends.

  Wide-eyed and unsure, she turned to glance up at him over her shoulder again and he saw her swallow hard before answering. “Just bachelorette stuff. Y’know, male strippers, pay-per-view, room service…that sort of thing.”

  “Sounds like fun.” He settled his face into the curve of her gardenia-scented throat and felt out the rapid flutter of her pulse. “And the, uh, prop in your purse?” Ethan nudged the clutch beneath her arm for emphasis. “How come you were running off in such a hurry?”

  “Um, no reason. I-I was…” Sara’s low voice trailed off as he skimmed her hips and his fingers lightly teased the crease at the top of her thighs over her skirt, causing her to reflexively press her generous backside harder against his groin. “Restroom!” she squeaked. “I…I had to use the restroom.”

  “I see.” He chuckled knowingly, letting her know without a shadow of a doubt that he wasn’t fooled for a second. Ethan watched in fascination as the blush climbed higher along her throat and cheeks and his grin faded. He conjured the image of Sara pleasuring herself atop a counter with the large pink toy, running its vibrating mushroom head over her tits before plunging it deep into her shiny, shivering cunt. It made his jaw clench and his cock strain against his fly with renewed vigor. What he wouldn’t give to have her twisting and arching underneath him while he took her hard and fast, soft and slow, and everything in between.

  “You should wear your hair like this all the time,” he managed to choke out, touching a finger to a shiny curl near the curve of her cheek and trying not to strip her bare right then and there. “It’s beautiful.”

  “Thank you.” Her voice swept over him, low and husky and a touch breathless.

  Jesus, everything this woman said reminded him of sex, from her shy greetings to her robust laughter. She could’ve made millions as a phone-sex operator.

  She turned abruptly in his arms and sniffed around his lips, giving Ethan an instant head rush from the feel of her mouthwatering breasts pressing up against his torso. He lifted an inquiring eyebrow at her.

  “Um, are you drunk, by any chance?” Sara asked. He shook his head in response and saw surprise, followed by hopeful longing, reflected in her large, limpid eyes. It was all the encouragement he needed.

  “I haven’t had a drop,” he assured her as he lowered his head. He ran his lips over her eyes, her nose, her cheeks and forehead, all the while smoothing his big hands up and down her back and over hips. Sara’s arms curled around his neck, her full breasts nestled like plump birds against him, while the prominent ridge of his erection abraded the tender notch between her thighs.

  Ethan felt her nipples stab eagerly through the thin layer of velvet into his chest. He wished that they were anywhere but a casino floor so that he could openly fondle and pinch those tender rivets of flesh until she screamed out in pleasure.

  “Ethan, wait… I don’t understand,” Sara murmured distractedly. “Wha…ahhh…what are we doing?” she moaned, rubbing her breasts harder against his clenching pectorals.

  Ethan thought his head might explode with the effort it took not to tear her clothing off right then and there. He set his teeth against the feel of Sara’s soft curves and tried to remember that they were still in public. This was not the time and place to let her know how long he’d been hoping for this exact scenario—her, hot and bothered and in his arms. But she chose that moment to turn those big bourbon-brown eyes his way and give a little helpless moan as her nipples continued to make pass after scorching pass against his chest. Entranced, Ethan lowered his head and captured her parted lips in a deep, possessive kiss, one that told her without words exactly where they were headed tonight. Her lips were full and lush, just like the rest of her, and parted with ease to allow his tongue to parry with hers. Ethan rubbed his tongue silkily against hers as he palmed her bottom with insistent hands, and growled in satisfaction when she gasped and pumped her hips against him uncontrollably. He knew she would be responsive, but this…damn, she felt like heaven, and he felt as if he’d hit the jackpot.

  He ended the kiss by degrees, to savor the heady taste of her and to bring her back down gently. His hands slid back up to her waist, and he opened his eyes to catch her soft, bewildered gaze staring back at him.

  “What’s to understand?” he asked in a strained voice. “I want you, Sara.”

  Sara blinked at the simple declarative statement. “You want me…” she repeated back, wooden. She blinked and frowned in confusion. “Like, want me, want me?”

  The incredulousness was apparent in her voice, and it set him instantly on edge. He crushed her lips beneath his in another hungry, punishing kiss. Sara’s head fell back, and she parted her lips unresistingly.

  The heady taste of her went straight to his head and Ethan growled with pleasure, delving deeper into the soft recesses of her mouth with his tongue. When he manag
ed after long moments to lift his head, they were both panting like wolfhounds. Ethan nipped her pouting lower lip and suckled the small sting away, resting his damp forehead against hers. From this angle, his eyes pierced hers in reproach.

  “Why is that so unbelievable? Yes, I want you, like a man wants a woman. I’ve never made a point of hiding it,” he said with a small shake of his head. “But you keep running away from me.”

  “Not true,” she protested weakly.

  “Oh, it’s true all right,” he countered, pressing small, nibbling kisses against her jawline. “Dinner was a perfect example. All I wanted was to be with you…and you actually abandoned me to that airhead Caro. Ugh.” He shuddered in distaste.

  “Oh,” she said quietly. “But I thought we were just friends. Why would you be interested in me, anyway? I’m hardly your type…”

  “Bullshit.” He gave her a slight shake and looked hard into her eyes. “I’ve never made a secret of the way I feel about you, but you keep making Sean and Angie run interference every time it gets interesting.” Sara blushed and ducked her head guiltily, and he took the opportunity to sink his face into the fragrant mass of wild brown curls near her ear. “Well, I’m done dancing around the topic, sweetheart. Come up to my room with me, right now, tonight,” he coaxed in a sensual tone. “I promise to show you exactly what my type is.” He lifted her chin and kissed her deeply, his tongue sweeping into her mouth and curling around hers in an incendiary caress.

  “Ethan, wait,” she murmured against his insistent mouth, sighing at the loss of him. He looked down at her, but she couldn’t seem to hold his gaze. She was embarrassed about something, judging by the sudden flush that suffused the crests of her cheeks.

  “What is it, baby?” he asked, his body humming at the sight of her gorgeous eyes already at half-mast. He patiently waited as she smoothed her damp palms against his thundering chest and shook her head a little as though to clear it.

  “The thing is, I want you, too. But…first, I should warn you that I’m…I’m not…” Sara blew out an impatient breath out and licked her lips nervously before continuing. “We both know that I’m…I’m a big girl.” Ethan frowned as he watched her grimace and try again. “Bigger, I mean. Maybe bigger than a guy like you is used to.” She practically whispered that last bit.

  The silence stretched between them, and so she cleared her throat and continued. “I mean, Angie and Caroline, they’re…they’re so…” She shook her head and gestured with her hands, pantomiming their stick-straight figures. “And I’m…I’m not…I’m kind of…” Her hands fell to her sides as she shrugged helplessly. “I guess I don’t want you to be disappointed.”

  Ethan’s eyes narrowed in equal parts anger and disbelief as he stared down at the tousled crown of her head. Disappointed? How could she possibly think he would be disappointed with her? She was fucking incredible. More than a handful, certainly, but he thought her plush curves were wickedly alluring and made him itch to stroke her all over. He grabbed and lifted her against him in response so that she had no other choice but to look him in the eye. For a moment he drank in the sight of her looking beautifully startled, lips swollen from their shared kisses, flushed creamy skin, and her lustrous hair all in disarray. The hopeful glow in her large doe-like brown eyes, however, was what made his heart clench. They were aroused and beseeching at the same time.

  He ground his prominent erection against the soft, welcoming notch between her legs before claiming her mouth again in a quick, hard kiss. Sara moaned against his lips, and Ethan relished the tremors that racked her body as he hungrily palmed and kneaded her full bottom in both his hands through the thin material of her skirt. “You idiot,” he murmured as he bit her earlobe none-too-gently and angled his body to tuck them further into the recesses of the small alcove. “You could never disappoint me. Never. You’re already sexier than anyone has a right to be, and I want you so bad that I am dangerously close to taking you right here and now.” He tasted the skin at the base of her throat and grunted in approval as she tangled her fingers into the dark curls at the nape of his neck. He molded and cupped her even tighter against his raging erection and returned his molten gaze to hers, his lips mere inches away from hers. “But it’s your call, sweetness. Tell me, what’s it going to be? Will you spend the night with me?”

  Ethan watched the varied emotions flashing across her guileless eyes, too fleeting for him to decipher, and he growled deep in his chest at the sight of her tongue stealing out briefly to moisten her lips. He lowered his head to take possession of that lush, sinful mouth once more, tasting her deeply and clutching her hips hard against his.

  Sara mewled against his marauding mouth and continued to cling to his neck like a limpet. Higher brain functioning had escaped her for the moment. If her ears weren’t playing tricks on her, Ethan wanted her to spend the night with him. He wanted to have mind-blowing sex with her.

  Her. Not some nameless, faceless Botox Barbie, but her.

  And damn did she want to get it on with him. Never in a million years did she think that she would ever have the opportunity to sleep with Ethan, and now her mind and other neglected parts of her body clamored for her to say yes, yes, yes!

  Even if that meant he would see her. All of her.

  And there was a lot of her to see.

  Some of her rampant lust cooled at the errant thought, and she tore her throbbing lips away and looked up at the man holding her. The protest died on her lips as she gazed into his eyes, which were glittering, needy orbs that translated heat and desire…and not an ounce of pity.

  Sara’s senses swam with anticipation and growing eagerness. All of a sudden she didn’t give a damn that it was a pink plastic dildo that had landed her in this situation. All that was important was that Ethan wanted her, and she wanted him.

  Carpe diem, girl. When are you going to have a chance like this again? she thought hazily as his firm lips plucked against her throat, causing her to arch into his caress like a cat. What she lacked in experience, she would make up for in enthusiasm. She would do everything she could think of to make sure that Ethan enjoyed himself tonight—she planned to give him as much pleasure as she could, and he would not regret this torrid little interlude if it was the last thing she did. She reached up and stroked Ethan’s hair back and drew a deep breath.

  “Let’s get naked,” she said, an eager but nervous grin tugging the corners of her lips.

  Chapter Three

  Hallelujah, Ethan thought as he grabbed her hand and pdragged her after him. He didn’t want to give her an opportunity to change her mind. She had to run slightly to keep up with him as he steered them with single-minded purpose toward the elevators, which were difficult to find in the labyrinthine casino. He heard her giggle at his eagerness, and he grinned back even as his cock strained against the confines of his pants.

  After what felt like a fucking eternity, he ushered her into the elevator car and the doors closed behind them. He dragged Sara’s yielding form hard against his and kissed her with renewed hunger, groaning with pleasure when her tongue tangled with his in a welcoming dance. Realizing then that there was no way he was going to make it to the fiftieth floor without more than a taste of her, he pressed her against the rear wall and looked into her beautiful, eager face. “Trust me?” he asked, his voice rough with need.

  Sara’s eyes widened questioningly, but she nodded. Ethan crowded her against a corner of the elevator car, yanking her skirt over her hips while at the same time covering her mouth with his. She gasped in protest against his lips as she tried to cover herself with her hands, but Ethan wouldn’t have any of that. Without pause, he slipped a steely thigh between hers and flexed strongly against her sodden panties, grinding into her pussy lips. Sara’s head fell backward with an audible thunk as she tore her lips away from his, her throbbing moan filling the car. Her hips pumped against his leg on their own accord as her hands plucked against his shoulders and clothes, her body taut with desire, her hands clutch
ing at his backside feverishly.

  Ethan wanted to crow in victory as he relished her husky cries of pleasure. He remained mindful of the elevator’s ascent, however. He looked up and saw they had forty floors to go. Time to get to business. He slipped to his knees before her and hooked one leg at the knee over his shoulder for the best angle.

  Sara gasped and looked down at him in shock. “Ethan, wait! What are you doing? Stop, you don’t have to…”

  “Oh, I want to, baby,” he assured her vehemently. “I fucking need to.”

  “Ethan, don’t… Ooohhh!” Her sharp, broken cry as he placed a hot open-mouthed kiss right atop her soaked crotch bounced around the small enclosure, causing his dick to pulse in response. “Oh my God! Oh God, Ethan!”

  Ethan smiled in triumph against the soaked satin of her panties but didn’t let up his assault. Later, he promised himself. Later, he would do it properly, lick up all the slick, fragrant juices that coated Sara’s thighs and pussy behind the scrap of fabric, but for now he was going straight for the gold. Judging from the dampness, she’d been aroused for a while. It wouldn’t do to keep his woman waiting. Curling his tongue around the pouting kernel of her clit through the thin material, he sucked hard and dug his fingers into Sara’s undulating hips as her cries grew more desperate and strained. Twenty floors to go, he thought as he slipped his thumbs underneath her panties and massaged her moist pussy lips in counterpoint to his merciless sucking.

  “Ethan! Ethan! Oh my…oh god!” Sara panted as she scrabbled against the smooth elevator walls. He had her trembling leg open high and wide, and Ethan reveled in the sensation of her fingers tunneling into his scalp as he voraciously ate at her through the sheer material, each strong, steady suck on her clit causing her hips to thrash and pump against his face.